Team bonding: when cultures meet

Half-day workshop

How to create trust, effective communication and stronger relationships while having fun!


In this interactive session we will:

  • Share our experiences to learn from each other
  • Reflect on the influence of cultural values and beliefs on our ways of perceiving, thinking and doing
  • Understand how key notions differ according to cultures: communication, sharing information, trust, role & responsibilities, building relationship, decision-making process etc.


  • Understanding of cultural fundamentals
  • Awareness of cultural-self (how does our own culture influence us?)
  • Framework to navigate cultural differences at work
  • Improved ability to manage cultural aspects in a work environment
  • ½ day interactive workshop including 2×15 minutes breaks
  • Maximum of participants to be defined
  • Will be confirmed for each session

It is possible to extend the training detailed above to a full day program focusing on developing intercultural competences. Intercultural effectiveness is the objective of the additional module
